The top 12 girls

Mar 02, 2011 22:11

 Let's hope they are at least as good as the boys!

Ta-Tynisa - Only Girl in the World - Rough start. Wow..I'm not really enjoying her. Has she hit a note yet? Terrible! Bad start! By far the worst of any idol yet this season...Steven liked it??? It was horrible! Stop being nice...she was bad!

Naima - Summertime - I like her. Very natural! Having fun with the song.

Kendra - It's Impossible - Wow..nice. I like her.

Rachel - Criminal (thanks Randy..I didn't recognize it - Not sure if this was the right song for her. Rough statr. What's with the lounge feeling this year...the boys, and now the girls seems to be throwing back to old style. Which isn't really a bad thing. This song is too big for her!

Karen - Hero - Oh...Sanglish! She's ok..not blown away. Pretty solid..but so far..none of the women have that....thing...some of the boys had where they lit up the stage. choice..might be too big a song for her. Solid..good job..but not exciting.

Lauren - Seven Day Fool - I don't like her dress..but she's good. Got a nice voice. Nice power..and good control.

Ashton - Covered  - Great on stage. Nice voice..good. She's good. J-Lo said it..she's a Diva!

Julie - Breakaway - (don't sing another Idols songs!!!!) Eh. Not horrible..but eh.

Haley - Fallin' - I would have picked another song..but she's good..very able to do many styles. Not sure I liked the "sexy" stand she took. Too much maybe. She seemed gimmicky. But was ok.

Still miss Simon..but the judges are good. Great comments.

Thia - Out Here On My Own - Wow..what a voice. And only 15! Amazing. Best of the night right there.

Lauren A. - Turn on the Radio  - Little country vibe going on. She's got a good sass. Nice voice. Good power. Here's your next good crossover artist.

She just called Ryan Seacrest Peaches! new nickname..good luck getting rid of that!

Pia - I'll Stand By You - Nice job. Good solid voice. I like her.

Picks...Thia best of the night, Lauren A, Pia....Ashton and the other Lauren

Think the boys were a bit better in electricity on the stage. There are at least a good 10 between the boys and girls..should be a good season.

2 hours tomorrow...ugh! Comments always welcome on what you think.


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