May 05, 2004 21:52
So I forgot to update about gym today. We picked flag football teams..there were 4 captains..and Cin was the 4th one so she was gonna pick me. Well the first girl (Frosh) I thought was gonna pick me because she likes me from STEP..but she didn't..I was like..okay well I don't know the next freshman girl and then theres kevin and then I'm good..well this girl (who I don't know) says she is gonna pick..."BRIAN UNGER"..and I just kinda looked at I was like..ok how does she know my name? So I go over to her and she starts talking to me about my roles in STEP and PP and CC and Chamber Choir and all this was a lil creepy..then to top it off..she picked all frosh's from the othe I'm the only sophmore on that team full of weird guys and very very "girly girls" so Joey yeh this should be interesting. Got my new phone tonight..I'd put it on and put it on friends only but I don't know everyone whos on my friends list so yeh..