Jul 27, 2010 15:37
So I seriously don't want to do anymore work today!!! So, I'm going to post instead :)
This morning I woke up ready to get thin! Drank some coffee (50 Calories), at a salad at lunch (200 Calories), and I had a nectarine for a snack (70 Calories). I'm also slowly drinking a Zero Carb Rockstar (20 Calories). Every time I ate I felt sick to my stomach, which has helped me NOT eat, yay!
I have 4 Weeks until my Sweeney Todd Audition (well, technically 3 Weeks and 6 days). I want to drop as much weight as possible by that time. I at least want to drop 20 pounds, but would be super happy to drop closer to 35. I'll be restricting to 800 or less calories every day and I will be doing this walking program for the next few weeks where I walk at least 3 miles a day. I would also like to do some pilates or yoga on top of that. I'm excited to drop this weight! Taking my scale home tonight (it is at work, I know, weird) so I can weigh in tomorrow morning. Will probably be a really ugly number. I'm guessing 225, ug. But I'm determined to have it saying 215 by next Monday!