Japan's Kamikaze Pilots by Yuki Tanaka

Mar 09, 2010 20:46

Seeing Hollywood movies such as Pearl Harbor give us the idea that the kamikaze pilots of WW2 were crazed killers and patriots, willing to sacrifice their lives for the fatherland. Yuki Tanaka's article gives a more accurate view of what it was like from the Japanese's point of view, explaining to less informed people such as myself that a lot of these people were college students who were drafted to do this, and they did it for two reasons. They did it to help save their homes and families, and because they were forced to by the military. The second half of the article focus' more on the modern day aspect of kamikaze or suicide bombings. The use of a picture of your average run-of-the-mill Japanese college student with the caption "The universal Soldier?" is a good representation of the point Yuki Tanaka is trying to get across; that war never changes, that both sides use different cruel variations of the same tactic, and that these tactics are carried out by regular people like you and me in desperate times.
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