Had some spare time on my hands so I felt like making an icon tutorial, and since I am too lazy to do a cut here it is:
Ok I start by grabbing this gilmore girls cap from
_jems_ and resizing it to 100x100.
Now you will notice my image is pretty dark so next I go and adjust the brightness and contrast to the settings below: (Image>Adjustments>Brights/Contrast)
Next to keep this image from looking too dull I spice it up with some color by using the variations filter type thing - that sounds professional. (Image>Adjustments>Variations). I go Red>Yellow>Cyan>Red>Yellow>Cyan
Next I create a new layer over the original layer, I fill this layer with #B9843C and set the layer mode to color at 100% it looks a bit mustardy at the moment but we aren't done yet.
Next duplicate the bottom layer and drag it over the last layer we made so it should be at the top. Now change the layer mode to screen, yo will see some more of the pictures original colors coming back now.
Next create a new layer ontop of the last one and fill it in with a dark blue, I use #0A1535 then change your layer settings to exclusion. I keep mine at 100% but depending upon your image this may differ.
Next I take two light textures from
awmp, awmp_02_41.jpg and awmp_02_03.jpg. I start out by pasting awmp_02_41.jpg, but before doing this I make sure I have the very last layer we created selected so these textures will go ontop of the top layer. I set the layer setting to Hardlight and keep the opacity at 100%. For the second texture I take it and paste it right above the first, setting the layer style to softlight and 100%.
Next I create a new layer ontop of the one we were last working on, I take the gradient tool and select the gradient white fading to transparency and angle it up a bit from the bottom edge not making it go full across and a bit on the top edge to lighten the icon up a bit. I set the layer to softlight but you can also just keep it on Normal.
Ok I know you thought we were done with textures but I was zooming around and decided I had to use the fourth texture in
this post (make sure you comment it is a rule). Next I paste it above the last layer we were working on it set it to soft light at 100% and erase a bit from the face so it dosen't look to overdone.
Next create the text you want I put "Whatever" in Arial Black size 16pt and the color being #9D6342.
Next I create a new layer for text, and type "Your boobs are soo much bigger than mine" in 4-5pt, purposley not readable. Next I go to the layer right below and right click rasterize layer. I take the marquee tool and about halfway of the height I cut the letters off and pull them up farther, and on the top layer I move the tiny words inbetween the gab. See the image bellow to see more what I mean.
Now for a final touch I decide to I decide to lower the whatever layer to 73%, and the small text layer to 56%, and you are all done.
Please comment if this helped you or if you have any questions.