We're all alone, no chaperone, can get our number. The world's in slumber--let's misbehave! tehe : )

Oct 08, 2004 14:22

i love that song so cute (the subject)....... im updating? what? .... lol anyways sooooo lets see yesterday was a good day, funny stuff happend at school and i was so planning on updating last night but then i got lazy, and now i forget hahaha... buuuuut i can tell u dance was so much fun in jazz we combined two classes cuz paige wasnt there SO much fun o my goodness.... and some things that mandy and robert said during class really made my day. and it was a "day" for christian lol it was one of thooose hahaha....its fun having a huge class like that : ) ........ and later me and chris had a really good convo and it really made my day : )... thanks...... o! and after class i was running back into the studio to get my water and alex, teacher, was coming out and she was all "by baby great job tonight" and seriously ive always felt she hated with passion so that made me happy...but she then again she was really rushing cuz she had to go to the airport so she could've very well thought i was someone else...: (..hmm...... anyway..... ya so yesterday was awsome.... seriously tho wat mandy said really really made my day... anyway...how many times can one person say that lol...... ok ummmmm today was good...we had a lunch rally today, god our mc's suuuuck this year like they're really bad..but anyways michael jackson came on and this kid, sam, he like thinks hes michael jackson and always like busts out michael moves well it came on and he danced for the whole song for 4 michael jackson songs it was awsome lol...it was sooo funnny evryone was there i was like standing on the benchs and one of the mc's started dancing and then someone called my name and it was traceeeeey and we started singing and dancing to eachother to the way u make me feel hahaha...and then she came ovr and we danced..not in the circle..hahahaha but it was fuuun.. and then lunch was over lol.... but in math, omg, ok i was talking to my friend keegin and it was like dead silence and all of sudden someone lets off this huge farrrrrt... omg i couldve peed my pants.... it was so funny... it was this kid dude i still donno if its brendan or brandon..hes so cute tho... but aaaanyways ya hes all god its all those hot dogs i just had i gotta gooo it was so funny o man...i thought it was fake! and then i relized it wasnt lol so funny... anyways...... me and ash r goin to my sis's shoooow tonight and i think mark and katie r actually coming tonight too which will be cool to see them.... then ash is spending the night..then we're going to a friends house in the day for a party thing then we go ovr to spanish hills for this tennis thing and ya..maybe me and ash can go out later tomorrow night... ok... wow..i wrote alot lol ... lifes good man wat can i say ok later dudes

<3 .. write on me .... hahahahaha.. dan omg that is so funny im like still laughing

i cant wait to see ashleeeeey i feel like i havent seen her in forever omgoodness

o my music...i love that song cant think of wat its called at all right now
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