Most people know that I love the Disney character Belle! Well I AM Belle :) lol Anyway, just to give it some proof I took this little quiz thing to see who my ideal Disney Prince would be and low and behold! I even got Belle's Man... so basically I just thought that was hilarious and wanted to post it :)
The Beast
Who's Your Ideal Disney Guy? brought to you by
Quizilla So quick update yesterday was Halloween, and I did homework pretty much all day then we went out and had some fun in the evening time went to a spoof haunted house.. and had some fun making a documentary of it with a video camera.. I did not dress up but I helped out my roommate find a quick costume in 15 mins so she could run out the door to a party.. and I helped out another friend with her hair so it was like dressing up only just through other people :) I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween yesterday.. and aren't too tired today :) Loves! I miss people back home espcecially my kitties :) hahaha
have a great day everyone!
God Bless