Jul 14, 2005 08:57
The lot of you are absolute twats.
I'm sorry, but Alias, The West Wing, Six Feet Under, Everybody Loves Raymond? What did these shows do this year that deserved any kind of recognition? Please, inform me. I want to know.
The West Wing started its decline sometime in season 2. They just finished their sixth season. Why do you keep rewarding them? Please, just. say. no.
And Alias? Where do you get off rewarding a show that, at its best, was a cross between Buffy the Vampire Slayer (a show you repeatedly ignored, for reasons that continue to baffle me) and the film, Run Lola Run? And have you seen Jennifer Garner? She sucks. There, I said it. She both sucks and blows. And I don't just mean literally.
Where the hell are the nominations for, say, Veronica Mars, Kristen Bell, Gilmore Girls, Lauren Graham and CSI's Jorja Fox? Two excellent shows. Well written, great casts and Gilmore Girls has been overlooked for five seasons now. And Jorja Fox gave a performance to die for.
What is wrong with you, Emmy voters? Are you too blinded by mediocrity to recognise good work when it smacks you upside the head? Are you incapable of sensing great acting (ie. not Jennifer Garner) as opposed to the depths of suckitude (ie. John Wells)?
The thing is, Kristen Bell is in, like, 98% of the show she stars in. How could you not notice her? And better yet, how could you not realise that she, for all of her extreme petiteness, is an acting heavyweight? Are you stupid? Deficient in some way? Or just easily bought? Was Jennifer Garner too willing to blow you? Cause that would explain a lot.
You make me ill. Seriously.
Now, for the things you did right. Scrubs. Yay! Arrested Development. Yay!
Other than that, if I were your mom, I'd send you to bed without tv privileges. Oh, wait. Obviously, you weren't watching tv last year if this is what you come up with.
Irate and Smart TV Viewer
jennifer garner hate,