When I despair...

Nov 14, 2016 09:14

I've been searching for a response to last week's events. Something that isn't burying my head in the sand, which is my first instinct. The rest of this decade is going to be unpleasant. My country will bleed in the wake of a catastrophic referendum, and the USA...I can't even begin.

I feel like I've gone through the stages of grief fifty times in he past week. But this weekend I was at a meeting of the Women's Equality Party in Cardiff. I sat in a room with people who are very different from me and from each other - men and women, Welsh, English and from overseas, all ages and races - with one thing in common: we were all looking for a way to do politics differently. To move on from a world in which the loudest liar wins the day. And on my way home, I remembered something.
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always."
Mahatma Gandhi

That's it. That's what I have today. Tomorrow, I start finding ways to fight.
Crossposted from my Dreamwidth journal. If you can, please comment there.
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