Taking a quick break, and my horoscope on Google has the following to say: "You are easily distracted by anything that seems more pleasant than what you are currently doing. Still, in the back of your mind you know there are things to do that are not getting done, and this makes you nervous. Consciously pushing yourself to stay focused while working can help relieve the pressure."
It's making one mistake though, as what's gone and distracted me from working is less than pleasant. I've gone and spoiled myself by reading reviews of the Chicago screening of the OotP movie.
Just. Gah.
So, one of the reviews I read said that Lupin was in the advance guard, where the other said he wasn't. I certainly hope the second was wrong, because, uh, otherwise Harry looks like a total dumbass by going with them. Seriously. Let's recall that Mad-Eye was an imposter last we saw him, and has Harry even been given reason to trust Kingsley and Tonks at this point? It makes me want to headdesk so very hard.
Anyway, there's so much more to be ranted on. Such as the fact that there's no note from Dumbledore at Grimmauld. Moody makes the building appear by banging his stick? OMGWTFBBQ??? There are not enough caps and question marks to fully do my boggling justice. This is IMPORTANT, okay? Plot point here. For reals. All this headdesking is going to cause me serious pain.
Skipping over a few tiny nitpicks that won't kill me... (No prefect Ron and Hermione? Oy.) No hospital scene. Harry learns about the Longbottoms because Neville tells him. I kind of want to repeat that sentence, adding all kinds of significant italics, but the very idea of the whole thing recalls the pain in my skull and I've no wish to indulge in more pounding of my head on the keyboard. But. Neville tells him? I can understand that this would make the film quicker, the rational part of myself gets it but... My fangirl self is shrieking so very, very much. In addition to absolutely butchering Neville's character there (since he obviously didn't want to discuss it in GoF) it completely destroys the impact of that entire scene. And then what? Does Harry run off and tell Ron and Hermione? Weren't they there too? And maybe Ginny? ARGH.
To pause for a moment and point to good things, I'm glad to hear that the Ministry is apparently awesome and that the DA stuff is good. These a lovely highlights. Along with the fact that the scene with Trelawney getting sacked is great. Though that brings on a whole other annoyance.
Firenze isn't introduced as the new Divination teacher. Which tosses the entire chance to see Umbridge's reaction to non-humans. Which, you know, foreshadows what happens to her and makes her actions in the Forbidden Forest make sense.
So Luna is awesome, which is good, because I certainly adore her character quite a lot. I've not read anything about the Thestrals in these reviews (probably because the creatures were all still rough) but I'm looking forward to seeing that as well.
However, I still have two big HUGE bits of rage about the film. The description of all of the scene in the Department of Mysteries being the broad portion of the first. More specifically... LUCIUS DROPS THE PROPHECY AND THEY ALL HEAR IT???? UH. WHUT?
I want to drink myself into oblivion here. Just. NO.
And it gets worse. So very much worse.
Oh, Snape's Worst Memory is there, yes. I had thought, so long as that was included I would be one happy fangirl. However, it seems I didn't take into account that they could still rip it to shreds while doing said including.
So Harry doesn't see it in the Pensieve. Nope, he manages to get that entire scene out of Snape's mind during lessons. Apparently, though canon would like to contradict us on this point, Harry is a fucking prodigy Legilimens. Golden boy indeed.
I could let this pass. I reallyreally could. Except. Rather than the screaming, spitting, jar throwing reaction canon shows us (as is utterly fitting for Severus Snape) we apparently get, "Oh, that was unpleasant. On your way now Potter." (Note: Not an actual quote, just my interpretation of being told there is no screaming tantrum.)
No. I do have words, but as they are only a litany of very harsh profanity in every language I can swear in with repeats of selected favorites, I should probably save them for as I'm walking out of the theatre.
I weep for canon from the depths of my very soul.
This moment eternity of fangirl outrage was brought to you by the letter O, for OMFGWHUT?