Mar 27, 2009 01:32
So today I was in Burlingame at a cafe place filling out an application. All of a sudden I'm surrounded by really big men in black suits. I look up and right next to me is ARNOLD FUCKING SCHWARZENEGGAR (sp?) watching me fill out my application. WTF? I was really confused so I just kind of looked at him and he smiled at me and I just kept looking at him and then he turned away. So that was my really awkward moment with the governor. Then I finished filling out my application amidst secret service agents.
List of famous people I've seen randomly:
Arnold Schwarzeneggar
Dick Cheney
Keanu Reeves
Art Alexakis
and, the best of all, all three members of Stella
I know it's nothing compared to some of you L.A. natives, but Burlingame doesn't get much action.
In other news, I think I'm completely in love with Frank McCourt and is that weird?