So it's not that i've been overly busy it's just been that i'm overly lazy when it comes to typing!
so I'm good , life is good , dad is good , church is good Kory is great , work is good , see a theme here? I went to a womans retreat two wekends ago which was absolutley awesome! I'm growing closer to stepahnie its would be great to have a friend up here who's a girl and my age! I'm way excited for Lelsies visit in a few weeks AND my brother and fam are coming down next month! plus in january i shall go up to washington for a few days!
Our youn gadults group is going well at church i'm getting close to all "my boys" Joe and I are becomign good friends and it's like having a brother around when I'm with him! I have a couple of more things to say but i think it will be easier to do it behind a couple of cuts!
so here we go
first off we have
so everyone has been talking about it guess it's time that I put in my two cents. First off I voted for Kerry! anyone suprised? i don't blame you considering hte majority of evangelical christians voted for Bush. WHo in my opinio used the fact he is a christian to gain votes and honestly i dont think you can really be a christian and run a country theres some major conflict of interest there. now don't get all upset at me it's just my humble opinion!
Actions speak louder than wrods and i don't like Bush's actions. Not that Kerry's are allt hat much better but he is a better public speaker than Bush and if i want someone to reperesent my country (and face it the executive branch is the wweakest in goverment , the President has vituallyl no say in what policies get passed or not his party and administration do and congress can even overides a presidential veto , so he's almost a figurehead. ) I want him to be a decent public speaker , bush kinda sucks in tha resepect , i've read his speeches they have good stuff in them but he doesn't communicate it well.
I'll be stepping of fof my soapbox soon i promise. so here's the facts Bush one it's four more years, i hope and pray he does a good job I hope he is as religious as he says he is , but religion is a personal thing you can say alot of things and that doesn't make them true only actions will tell so we shall see
*steps off soapbox*
Aww friends i have many..okay not so much right now it hurts not to hear from some of them but i guess it makes me realize who a true friend is so a big thank you to Leslie , Melissa , Misty , Binh , Nessa , Tara , rachael and Joe , the rest of you who read this and i consider close I love you guys i do so i may be forgetting you sorry....
aww Kory , my crush what can i say...first off here's a picture some of you may not have seen and if you have Look again 'cuz I love it!
teehee look ain't we cute....okay so it's dark and blurry but dude there's nothing better than the feeling hwen heather went up to him and said i want to take a pic of you and Afton and he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him and smiles for the camera. he's a sweetie!
I love hat i'm learning abouthim , I love his smile i love the way he is witht he kids at youth I love alot of things right now. have no fear though my heart is safley guarded the last thing i want is to get hurt again so i proceed with caution!
well guy's i guess that's it for now hy if you want to see something cute check out www.bricktestament .com!