Jul 10, 2004 22:09
wow i remember when i used to update like at least once a week. I suck latley!
or maybe there's not a bunch happening. probbaly that.
Today was my birthday another year gone by and a college degree to show for it but that's about it.
didn't do anything really for it there was dinner at my grandma's yesterday. I tried to get people together to go out to dinner tonight but A) no one could be bothered to drive up here or B. everyone was busy.
either wya it sucked
Allie , Michelle and Hugo called. Gabe, theresa and Tony sent a text message.
my brother never called i'm dissapointed.
melissa will call tomorrow probably.
oh and leslie sent a text
I shouldn't feel so unloved but i do slightly lonley also.
Man i need friends up here!
enough complaining htough things will get better
Our WYoming trip was fun. it turned out really well and i'll be back there at the end of the month for Jamie's wedding. I guess that's about it!