Oct 14, 2007 10:29
Busy busy busy this week. Worked at the hotel last weekend over Fall Break. Encountered the bitchiest guest I have ever had to work for. She made her OWN problems from check-in on. Then she blamed us for her problems. She made a reservation online for a standard room, then she blamed us because the room wasn't big enough and she planned on entertaining in the room and "this room isn't good enough. What are you going to do to fix it? I DEMAND an upgrade!" After she made her own reservation online, she has the nerve to tell us we screwed up and ask for a free upgrade??" She point-blank told me that my staff was incompetent and that I needed to "get my staff together," even though they did just what they were told to do. Whenever Corbett wasn't around, everyone else always came to me for help because they were still training and, frankly, this woman scared the crap out of any staff member she encountered. Usually I'm flattered when people ask me for help, but this weekend it only meant I had to deal with this woman again. God. Why do people behave this way? Why do people treat other people that they don't even know this way?
Dylan's parents stayed in the hotel for the past two nights. We went out to dinner at Simeon's Friday night. Then yesterday we all went to Dylan's grandparents' fiftieth wedding anniversary party. It was a surprise party, and we really got them good! They were both crying when they got out of the car and saw everyone. And I've met everyone before, so it was so nice and relaxed. They treat me like one of the family. It feels... natural. They even insisted that I be in all the family pictures. And Dylan and I did a box step to entertain his family, and his cousins Alyssa and Chrystin did this really funny song together. Just a really nice time.
Today is a study day. I have a finance review session from 1 to 3, then again from 4 to 6, with an information systems group meeting in the middle. Then studying marketing in the evening. Marketing test during class tomorrow, then finance test Tuesday evening. I'm really nervous for finance. Sometimes I just don't get that class! WAY too many formulas! Then more studying this week for Spanish test on Friday morning. And to top all that off, I have two statistics problems due this week instead of just one. Ewwwww!!!
Got my last information systems test back though. My first prelim A of the semester!! So far it's been Bs and Cs. Makes me happy. AND AND AND...I PASSED MY FRONT OFFICE CERTIFICATION TEST!!!!!!! That test took me a year to prepare for! And now it's finally done. All I have to do now is do my housekeeping hours and certification. I may be up for promotion to supervisor at the beginning of next semester. I just have to keep my eye on the prize here and keep working.
Got to go study. Hope all is well with everyone.