Furballs and Fuzzbutts

Jun 03, 2005 22:07

Gizmo's been losing weight, apparently. So Marian's got him on a bunch of supplements now; hopefully he comes around.

He's so cute....we took him out for some free time recently, and let him run loose around the bathroom. I sat on the floor and started to read aloud from a Calvin and Hobbes book (Revenge of the Babysat). and meanwhile Giz is jumping around, hopping, chewing a little....doing cute chin things.

Then he hops on my knee and sits, looking at me while I read. And he sat there for a good 5-10 minutes, apparently listening. Then he hit his attention span limit (being a hyper chinnie and all) and hopped off.

That was unbearably adorable. It's rare when I get a bonding moment with the boys...hopefully that will change when we move them up to the new place in amonth.

Dusty is getting a bit antisocial--but that is about what can be expeced, given how much he's poked and prodded. Hopefully some time away from that will rehabilitate him.
He's not as obvious in his personality as Gizmo, but he's an intrepid little explorer all the same. He prefers investigating under blankets and sheets (and as much as we discourage it, the occasional pantleg!). He's also 700 grams(!!). Big boy, that Duster.
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