Feb 21, 2010 03:35

That, my friends, is a fake out title. I write it like I am angry or drunk or possibly horny? No way, I am pretty sure that's not horny. Much more likely drunk or angry. Either way, I have been up far, far too long. For some strange reason I am completely fucking wired. Like totally wired. Like a song by The Fall. Like I am making obscure music references most people won't get! Like I am using tags to change text for no reason!

That is how wired I am. I am also feeling frighteningly manic. Like all over the fucking map. Right now I am so cheerful it is blowing my mind. I just started watching Altered States because why the hell not? I dug it when I was a kid. This evening I was caught in soul crushing despair. Then I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. So I went to bed. 10 minutes later I woke up wide awake and here I am.

My head hurts, my brain is screaming, I'm kind of hungry. Life is fucking strange.

Jane, get me off this crazy thing.
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