This meme again, this time from
lilcanadianliz 1. What's your deal with John Cusack?
My deal? I don't know that I have a deal. It just seems that I do enjoy a number of his movies. I think what it really comes down to is if I am going to watch a romantic comedy, then most of the ones I would enjoy have him in it. He's a funny, charming guy. Also, High Fidelity was really, really good.
2. French cuffs or button cuffs, which do you prefer?
Button I suppose. i don't think I've worn French Cuffs since my days as a professional Ring Bearer as a small child. Which is probably good because I am not sure I know how to use cuff links.
3. What was your favourite poster growing up?
Um... I wasn't really a poster guy. I wasn't allowed to hang stuff up really in my house, my step father didn't like... well, he would have some excuse. He didn't like anyone doing anything that might provide them with joy. I did have a Cal Ripken poster I managed to get approved though. So I guess that is my favorite. It had an orange border with a smaller white one and then black inside that around a photo of him hitting a baseball. Well, the ball gone, it was more post swing. It said Cal Ripken under his picture.
4. Favourite type of fridge: traditional freezer on top fridge on the bottom, side-by-side, freezer on the bottom fridge on top?
I have only, in my life, possessed traditional style ones. I think I like them because it gives me more left to right space to shove big things in, like an entire pizza box. The other ones are nice when they have the water and ice thing on the outside.
5. What is the funniest 14 letter word you can think of?
Luckily, since I can't spell I can put about anything here and claim It thought it was a 14 letter word. I will go with macadamisation.