well spank my monkey

Feb 23, 2007 12:51

I knew that would get your attention. what can I tell you cept the obvious.I'm the better looking & the wiser of the tag champs Kendrick & London over at Smackdown. Brian David Kendrick here to I dunno..Paul, what was I supposed to say again? I still get those Oreos, right? where was I? Oh yeah, Introduction. I currently work for WWE on the Smackdown show. I work with London & Ashley as well as Matt hardy, Undertaker, Kane and those are just a few of the in ring greats along with helms I work with(Sorry Greg almost forgot you) and The newest returned member of smackdown..Shannon Moore. And man do we have smokin divas. As you see the intro went derailed right down to the divas.

Speakin of divas..my favorite & yours , Ashley will be owning Palyboy magazine for the March issue. Now don't go startin a I hare Brian riot cause I appreciate a beautiful woman. She's beautiful but taken..or so I think. I forget.

Well I'm starvi in New Zealand & if Paul even tries to feed me sheep brain i'm going to kill him. (Hey he threatened he was gonna hold me down n stuff my nose with sheep brains if I didn't get a journal.

Im out to find a fine Nz girl ..I mean food.
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