He likes to watch

Feb 01, 2004 15:35

Title: He likes to watch.
Author: msmollusk/brians_fic
Pairing: Billy/Elijah, Dom/hand
Summary: Dom likes to watch people, and gets an unexpected show.
Feedback: OMG PLEASE?
Disclaimer: Not true, don’t sue
Rating: soft NC-17 (I guess)

Dom likes to watch. He watches people’s reactions, watches people’s movements, he likes to watch the subtleties of body-language. But the one thing he above all likes to do, is to watch people when they don’t even know they’re being watched.

Dom arrived back at he and Billy’s place hours earlier than when he’d told Billy he’d be back from his meeting with Peter. He loves to spy on Billy. Dom thinks it’s because Billy is such an intensely private person. Dom on the other hand is an open book. Everyone knows all there is to know about him (except of course for his voyeuristic tendencies). When alone, Billy does things he never does around other people - including Dom, but he does draw the line at watching his best friend naked, he‘s too respectful to do that.

Dom made his way around the side of the house to the back door, quietly checks to see if it’s unlocked (it is) and pressed the side of his face to the thin hollow-wood door. Is that the television Dom hears echoing along the timber-floored hallway? It certainly is. It gives Dom an even better chance to sneak inside and slip into his bedroom, past the laundry and separate toilet. He has done this more than a few times, so he does so now, with nary a sound or flutter of dust.

He closes his bedroom door shut again and quietly puts his bag on his bed. Dom returns to the door and after listening carefully for a few moments, opens it a crack. While he is looking through the gap, he notices something different. A voice. A second voice, one he can‘t immediately recognise. It seems to be coming from the lounge room where the TV still announces it’s presence with what can only be the god-awful Neighbours theme music from the early nineties (bloody re-runs).

Billy didn’t say anyone was coming over this afternoon he thinks. Straining his ears to hear the soft murmurs of voice, he can now tell that the other voice is most definitely male, but as high pitched as Billy‘s. Dom opens the door a crack wider and looks down the hallway and across the way a little, directly into the north-west corner of the lounge room. Dom knows from experience that he can creep out into the hallway and peer into the lounge room without being seen, as the sofa faces the opposite side of the house.

Dom waits another five minutes until it becomes clear that Billy and his guest aren’t going anywhere, he swiftly and quietly pads down the hallway to stop at the entrance of the lounge room.

The house older and instead of there being a great big opening into the room, it looked like a door used to close off the room from the rest of the house. The door had long been removed but no-one had bothered to renovate to open up the room.

Dom waited again, to make sure he wasn’t heard, and then picked up the second mystery voice - Elijah!. That explains the girly voice, but what the fuck is Elwood doing here? And why didn’t Billy mention he was coming over?

He listened to the voices. Listened to Billy explain to Elijah who was who (“Hey Billy, who’s that dodgy-looking cunt with the mullet?”; “Which one Doodle? They all have mullets, even the girls”). Dom listened to the two of them giggle and make jokes and finally peeked around the corner of the wall.

He could see the back of their heads over the sofa; Elijah’s a darkish auburn brown, Billy’s sandy blonde. Dom saw that they were indeed watching Neighbours and Dom silently agreed with Elijah’s assertion that Craig McLachlan was indeed a dodgy looking cunt, and with yes, a stonking great mullet.

Dom settled himself against the wall. This is where he liked to be, and now he could watch two people instead of just the one. True, Billy wouldn’t be doing his alone things, such as singing while he dusted, or scratch his arse as he piss-farted about the lounge room; oh well, perverts couldn’t be choosers, and he was curious to see how his friends interacted when by themselves.

Elijah had leant right into Billy’s side when Kylie Minogue came on screen and Dom nearly shat his pants when Elijah shrieked ‘Help Billy! The big bad perm! Make it go awaaay!’ But Billy merely chuckled, play-swatted Elijah and informed him that the perm was called “Charlene”. God, how does he do that with his tongue? Isn’t the tongue-roll called a Malmsbury Bray or summat?

Dom promptly ceases to care when Billy’s arm goes around Elijah’s shoulders and he pulls the young man’s face close to his to place a kiss on pale, creamy forehead. Elijah makes a soft sound and tilts his head up, inviting Billy to kiss lower. Billy obliges by kissing Elijah on the tip of his nose. Elijah reached up one arm and placed his hand around the back of Billy’s head.

What the fuck? Elijah pulls Billy’s head closer and guides it back so he can kiss Billy’s pert lips. From his position in the doorway, Dom can clearly see Billy’s mouth open and close again over Elijah’s’ as they connected in a slow kiss. It’s obvious they’ve never done this with each other, but neither seem to be nervous about kissing another man, and Dom mentally kicks himself for not having seen this side of either of his friends’ character; some pervert he is, he must have been watching with his bloody eyes closed all this time.

Thinking bollocks to respect, how could I not stay to watch this?, he again concentrates on watching the other two men. Billy had moved around to straddle Elijah, the escapades of Ramsey Street forgotten. Elijah murmured something about waiting and wanting, Billy just hummed. It was times like these Dom was grateful he has ears like radar dishes and could hear things most people probably couldn’t. But Dom‘s cock could surely hear what they were saying, and was currently perking up so as not to miss any of the conversation.

Billy put his hands on either side of Elijah’s head and bent down to continue his thorough exploration of Elijah’s neck with teeth, lips, and tongue. Elijah writhed on the couch, one hand fisted in Billy’s collar and the other somewhere lower, out of Dom’s sight.

Dom was immensely grateful that because the two were so involved with their activities, he could continue to peek without being noticed.

‘Ohhhmmyeah’ Oh my god, that was Billy moaning. His right hand gripped harder and - oh lordy - when did his hand get down to his crotch? He wondered dumbly. Oh well, when in Rome…

Billy had arched back to rock his pelvis into Elijah’s, (what he couldn’t see, Dom would be willing to guess) and Elijah grabbed Billy’s hand to take one of the Scot’s digits into his mouth, swirling it around and releasing with a pop sound as he moved on to the next one. Elijah must quite good at that, judging from Billy’s reaction.

When Elijah finished fellating his fingers, Billy leaned forward again to lift Elijah’s polo shirt up and over his head, throwing it behind his shoulder. Elijah reciprocated, unbuttoning Billy’s white long-sleeve shirt, and peppering kisses down his body as each part of the hair-dusted torso was revealed, pausing only long enough to lightly nibble on each nipple. When he’d unbuttoned the shirt the whole way, Elijah slid it behind and back down Billy’s arms, briefly wrapping his arms behind Billy before the shirt came off fully.

‘God Billy, you’re so fuckin’ hot. Fuck!’ Dom was amazed that Elijah could form coherent words. Dom was pretty sure he’d be a gibbering idiot if Billy was on his lap, grinding and moaning and …

[squeeze, relax, squeeze, relax, not nearly enough friction]

Oh fuck this! Dom opened the top button and unzipped his jeans, reaching inside boxer-less jeans to firmly grip his already so-hard cock, his eyes fluttering shut as his fingers went slip-sliding on the pre-cum which had already escaped. Aaahhh! Fuck, much better.

Dom opened his eyes again to be greeted with the sight of Billy now getting up off Elijah’s lap to stand before the dark-haired man. Billy stood, now shirtless, with his hips cocked obscenely, weight resting on his left leg. He was looking down at Elijah through hooded, dark eyes, and lifted his left hand up to his right nipple, where it tweaked the hard dark nub. Billy’s right hand moved up his thigh, ghosting across to the unmistakable ridge out-lined in denim. His hand settled on the bulge and he gave it a quick squeeze, thrusting his hips forward involuntarily at the sensation.


Elijah groaned, and oh fuck, did I groan out loud too? Dom thinks he mustn’t have because neither of them seemed to have noticed. Get a hold of yourself Monaghan. Do you want to get caught watching them with your hand down your pants and jerking yourself off so hard it’s a wonder you don’t pull your dick right off?

Dom lifted his left hand up to his mouth, biting on his knuckles to stifle further outbursts. Another groan, this time louder, returned his attention to the living room.

Billy had apparently decided his other nipple was being neglected, so while he was busy pinching his left nipple, his right hand was deftly unbuttoning his button fly jeans. He thrust his hand down his open jeans to rub over his white-jockeys clad cock. A damp spot was visible at the end of the ridge where his cock was laying against his body.

Dom could see that the back of Elijah’s neck had obtained the colour of oh say, a raspberry. Elijah’s right shoulder seemed to be moving slowly, and it didn’t take a genius to figure that the youth was rubbing himself.

Billy dropped his left hand from his nipple and hooked both thumbs under the edge of both his denims and the jockeys. Slowly pushing them down, his erect cock leapt out it’s confines, to stand at attention. Billy wiggled his hips, bent at the waist and lowered the clothing all the way down to the floor. Billy righted himself and stepped out of the clothing (Is this why Billy never wears shoes into the house? Dom wondered) to kick away the discarded clothes. All the while staring at Elijah.

‘Liiijaahh’ Billy purred. Dom nearly came right then, he gave himself a wicked twist, as if removing a beer-bottle lid. His knuckles screamed in protest as he gnawed on them, leaving white teeth marks - the man was fucking beautiful.

‘Oh fuck Jesus Billy…’ Seemingly unable to control himself any longer, Elijah leaned forward and ran the tips of his fingers lightly up Billy’s long thighs, his face bare inches from Billy’s leaking slit, the precum glistening in the few rays of afternoon light allowed to penetrate the dark room from the inadequate window. When the roving fingers reached Billy’s hips, the hands flattened and curved around to cup Billy’s arse cheeks.

‘Mmm, smell so good Billy’ Mumbled Elijah.

‘Why don’t you see how good I taste Doodle?’ Billy said, cocking hips forward slightly.

Elijah apparently thought that was a good idea and nuzzled his face into Billy’s wiry pubic hair then pulled back then forward suddenly to engulf Billy’s cock in his warm wet mouth.

[Another set of teeth marks on knuckles. Another wicked twist on hard cock.]

‘Aaah fuck yeah! Billy threw his head back, eyes tight shut as Elijahs head bobbed up-down, back-forth, left-right in a circular motion which seemed to be driving Billy insane.

Billy lowered his head back down, slowly. Shite! Did he see me? Billy’s head had appeared to stutter on it’s downward course. Dom pulled his head back behind the wall again quickly. Well, they’re not stopping anyway, judging from the sounds. Oh god I need to see more, I need to… I need…

Dom peeked back around and saw Billy bring his hands around Elijahs head to fist in the smooth dark strands.

Dom knew he was close, so he sped up his rhythm a little, his hand tight on his aching cock, his hips pushing backwards and forwards, fucking his closed fist. His mouth was still on the back of his left hand, but instead of gnawing at the knuckles, Dom had subconsciously drawn his first finger into his mouth, and was swirling it, suckling the digit lusciously.

It was Elijah who Dom wanted to be right now. On his knees before Billy (who had somehow turned into pure sex with Billy’s small, lean form), gobbling his cock like there was no tomorrow.

Billy looked like he was nearing orgasm as well, judging by the increased pace and the pinched look on his face. ‘Ahh fuck y-yeah, aye right there fuck I’m gonna…’ And just then, Billy looked up, saw Dom with half his face exposed, his right shoulder moving furiously. Dom didn’t even have a chance to react when Billy looked Dom straight in the eye, and thrust hard five or six times (who’s counting?) into Elijah‘s mouth.

‘Ahh I’m com-ing Do-o-o-om!’ Billy howled out his completion, just as Dom’s surprise was overtaken by the most intense (and quiet) orgasm of his entire life. He sucked his finger [Billy’s cock] like a starving man and pumped the head of his cock quickly, ejecting a stream of cum onto the wall in front of him with a splat. His mind having turned purest white as the force of orgasm claimed him.

When his senses returned a few seconds later, Dom felt sick, as embarrassment and emotion suddenly overwhelmed him. How could he look Billy in the eye again after that? Billy would know he’s nothing but a dirty little pervert. He burst into tears, zipped himself back up, and ran out the back door.

He never heard Billy’s shouts of ‘Dom, come back! I did it all for you! I knew! I always knew you were there! DOM!’’

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