(no subject)

May 18, 2012 23:49

I normally do not use my livejournal to post personal entries but I believe that maybe this can become therauputic for me.

Life is never easy, but I think that everyone knows this. I do not have a hard life in conparison to many others but it still unsettles me that anything good seems to be so far away from my reach.

I want to use this to let out all of my anger and issues I have with life but cannot deal with on the outside because it would end up causing more probles.

Life is about to change in a big way, I am hoping that everything goes in the right direction but until it happens I can only wait here and do my best to keep on a cheerful exterior.

Well, until later (probably tomorrow.)
I will try to post one entry every day, that has become my goal. My writing has seriously deteriorated, I have to fix that.
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