Dec 17, 2010 00:12
Sigh, today was a really weird day. T'was my last day at work after being told I was going to be laid off two weeks ago, so I was feeling really emotional. In the midst of that had to go to an interview (which I'm not sure about, since one of the two interviewers had "concerns" about my abilities which are fairly focused). It wasn't easy going to that interview with part of me being an emotional wreck half the time, but I held it together I think.
I then got word I'd have a phone interview tomorrow afternoon after an in-person interview earlier in the day. Weird up and down day, and now I can't sleep because I feel like my brain is clinging onto the day as if, I fall asleep and wake up, the full reality of being unemployed will hit me. Tomorrow will be my fourth in-person interview and my fifth phone interview.
Sigh, I also cried on the way home. Kind of a mess, I am. I'm gonna miss those folks a lot. I've said it before, but this was the only job I've ever had where I truly liked everyone.
So tomorrow I have the two interviews, and likely another interview next week. I also applied for unemployment online today.
It all just feels so...surreal...It's all over the damned place, this life I lead right now. Thankfully I have an amazing girlfriend. so many wonderful friends and adorable cats to keep me somewhat grounded and sane.
Anyway, sorry for the rant that was all over the damned place. Hope y'all had a great day today.