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Two years ago, I had some massive breakthroughs in therapy. Before that, I was depressed, anxious, full of self-loathing and self-hatred, self-abusive and so on. I’m not saying this for pity, just as simple, plain truths. Well, after my enormous breakthroughs, life has improved tremendously in just about every way. ^_^ There was one, odd side effect however that’s been kind of annoying…random, constant, vivid dreams nearly every night…
After the breakthroughs, when the dams and walls of my mind crumbled down, allowing me to become the better person I am today than I was two years ago, other walls seemed to come down as well. I think, because my subconscious had been plugged up for so long - due to denial and defense mechanisms - that it had decades of crap to let out, and it did so in my dreams, every night.
For at least eighteen months, every night I would have vivid, exhausting dreams. They’d range from awesome to horrifying, and everything in between, and because of this, I didn’t really get a good night sleep once in that time. Thankfully a few months ago they began to subside a bit, but lately they’ve ramped up, especially one night in particular.
A couple of nights ago, I had a dream involving an ex-girlfriend. It was a stressful, tense, vivid, and awful dream that made no sense, had no resolution, and seemed to last most of the night. When I awoke, my breathing was actually labored and I felt…off. Now I’m usually a pretty happy and bubbly person, but since that dream I’ve just felt…odd, down, off, unusual, however you want to describe it. I can’t honestly pinpoint WHY I feel this way other than knowing it originated with this one dream.
Over the past days I’ve slowly felt better, and today feel about 80% of my usual shiny self, but it made me think of the power of dreams. There are many theories surrounding dreams, but for all our science and knowledge, no one really has any clue of the hows and the whys of dreaming. Are they windows into other dimensions? Are they random plays put on by our subconscious? Who the heck knows.
All I know, really, is that my dreams are all over the place, and while they usually don’t leave me in an emotional fuge like I’m currently in, they’re at the very least entertaining. I mean, why would I dream about a military satellite shooting a laser down at San Fransisco because I called it on a cell phone? ^_~ Why would I dream about owning a classic Chevy Nova along with my actual Nissan Sentra? Who the heck knows, but it’s an interesting ride.
So what about you? Any dreams that are memorable? Entertaining? Emotion-changing? I’d love to hear ‘em. ^_^Thanks for reading!