..."Gran Torino" is all kinds of awesome. I love those mean old faces only Clint Eastwood can make, and I love all that cussing he does. I laughed my ass off in places, and my eyes welled up a few times too...and I watched the credits all the way to the end, which I really never do. I wrote about this on Facebook, but I do really recommend this one
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I've missed you.
And I now have chickens to occupy my time...six of them. I'm currently getting 4 eggs a day, and much lols out of the whole thing.
I missed you too.
Did you go for Rhode Island Red sex-linkeds, both meat and eggs, or those silly high-strung ovarian-overdrive egg-a-day Leghorns?
I like Barred Rocks. Ours never got too excited about anything, and they were dressy.
We bought a hatching of Australorps once, or at least I think they were Australorps. Good birds but at one crucial point really, really tedious: My grandma was not about to eat EVEN ONE pinfeather. And those dark ones, against pale skin...
Big hug and nice to have news of you again. Don't go drifting away for so long the next time, 'k?
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