Firstly: I got a 25 cent raise at work. Go me!
Secondly: I can put a checkmark next to "Donate to charities." on
my list. LJ has a
VGift that will donate money to Women for Women International- so I bought one. :) It's not much, but I figure I can afford it and there's no reason not to. Even if it is only a few bucks, it's a start, and that's all it really takes.
Speaking of starts, I had
lsujester buy me some wood so I could get my easel in working condition. I also need to set up my little one again so I can and will actually use it.
I thought there was something else I wanted to say, but I seem to have forgotten what. So, that being that, I'll sign off.
Edit: I remember what it was: I'm thoroughly amused at my class. Despite this teacher being tough, I have a 97/98 in the class. The amused part comes from the fact that I haven't read any of the text to go with the class. Not the online lectures and not the book. *snerks* I most definitely could not have gotten away with that in my last class.