What is Reality?

Oct 23, 2006 00:38

Okay so last night, before I fell asleep, I was listening to Eric Whitacre and contemplating the concept of soullessness. Needless to say, this was the beginning of an equation that would completely **** my brain up.
So I had a dream last night, no, a nightmare. Before I slept, the last thought I remember had to do with the Athiest idea of the afterlife. They say that we simply take a dirt nap. But what happens to the sentient part of us, the self-aware? When we lose awareness, time passes infinitely, space no longer exists; an example of such would be when we sleep, when we're under anesthesia, or when someone goes unconscience.

But can you imagine the state of remaining as such forever? Can you possibly fathom the concept of sleeping and never waking up? Is the athiest concept of death like sleep? Try to imagine infinite sleep: infinity passes before your eyes, matter, existance, time, space...all folding, stretching, and increasing faster than imagination can comprehend. Remember, there can be no dreams because your sentience is gone. What is infinite unconscienceness like? Or does one at least retain the subconsciense, so that dreams still exist?

Because sentience, consciousness, and awareness are all purely human qualities. If this is true then, ergo, Animals are soulless. Their behavior is instinct fueled, and animals possess no real personality except that which is carved by instinct, the sub conscience. Human personality is unique because it combines animal instinct (that which we are not aware of or in control of) and the human conscience (that which we are aware and can control). So...if we retain that which we are not aware of, which controls dreams and behavior and adaptation, then do we not reach a point of infinite slumber? Do we dream? Or do we lie with our minds as a black hole, as a sleepless night?

Because if we dream, then heaven may not exist. It may be a dream produced by our subconscience. So then, if that were true, our own lives truly would dictate our afterlives. The lives we live would then produce a dream based on our perspecive and sub-perspective, or as such, what may be a summary of our lives put together by our subconscience. As we have dreams based on past moments and the moments just before we sleep, then would we have the ultimate dream, the final dream, the END ALL OF ALL DREAMS, containing all of our last moments and past moments compiled by our subconscience and replayed in a biased manner by our former conscience, which would no longer belong to us because as we may all know, our conscience would no longer be relevant or substantial according to Athiest philosophy. And besides, do we really have conscience control over our dreams? Are we aware of ourselves in our dreams?
If the above were all true, than the afterlife would be a sort of Matrix, a non-existant world built to pacify us/that is built as a product of our past. But in death, does the sub-conscience die?

Animals, if they truly only possess spirit and not soul, would tecnically be un-aware, right? They would be like plants. No awareness. As if their life is only there for the sake of life. So when they die, all that is left is a body. The spirit may go elsewhere or not exist, although the end of the spirit is not the pressing issue. If the human dies, does the sub-conscience remain? The soul goes, but do our animal sides remain, or leave? Does the soul even exist?

Here's the definition of one's soul, as per this writing: The soul is our human side, the area of our mind containing sentience and conscience. The spirit, the animal side, contains the sub-conscience and instinct that comes with being an animal. Basically, what makes us human is the soul. Without it, we become animal. When we sleep, we lose conscience, so therefore do we not become animals? So if death is like sleep, then we would be stuck in one of two ways: Dream, or dreamless sleep.

Thus, the soul leaves and the animal remains a part of earth. Does the soul disapeer, or enter a new state? If the soul truly does exist as a semi-tangible, incorporeal entity, then it would naturally have to become part of a new state. Since we have no animal side at this juncture, do we become fully aware? Do we retain full control of ourselves, with no animal to change us and no physical state to restrict us? Then, it would be up to us to do as we please with ourselves. We would have full range of existance. Full, complete, ineffable control. We could bend and spin and pass and fold and become, almost as infintely as God. We could go anywhere we please. Change anything about ourselves. We would have an unimaginable power, ineffable wisdom and knowledge and awareness; A ghost with no imaginable bounds in terms of self. Our animal side would be left to rot and the sub-conscience would pacify the beast with sleep. Would we thus be aware of the dream as it happened? Or would we become our own God-like entity? Would we be both? OR, do we remain as the dreaming beast, as our soul becomes a God?

If we became both or aware of both, we would be masters of our own dreams, living in our own afterlives as crafted by our soul. The man would tame the beast, forever.

But do both the soul AND spirit become ejected from the body? If so, then we are Gods in cellular shells. The dream would leave, and we would become unlike anything imaginable.

If this Athiest concept does exist, then we are the true Gods, restricted only by an egg that allows our true God to gestate and grow, and thus be prepared for the throne of God-dom.

But if the athiest concept does not regard soul, then we are only beasts with sentience. Thus, we would have no dream because our spirit would cease to be. There would be no soul to leave, and thus the last entity, the spirit, would be ejected.

If the last statement of the previous paragraph were true, then the untangible, the unfathomable, and the most mysterious fact would come to be. We would know, or be completely unaware of, our fate both corporeally and ethereal. If we were to lose conscience in our death, would we not become stuck in eternal, dreamless slumber? Then, like sleep, time and matter would pass infinitly, only we would never wake up.

We would, without any knowing, be trapped in a black hole. Time and space and matter would pass infinitely on, forever, in a state on not existing. It would be the edge of all physical existance. The thing that no scientist, philosopher, or physicist can ever truly explain. We would become one with it, and our self would be gone forever. Ergo, do we become one with the universe, or silent observers?

In my nightmare, I saw all of these examples before my eyes.

I died.

I became the soul, the God, staying on earth as a ghost and watching in pain as my loved ones lost me in the folds of air. I became a memory, passing through all matter, flying, seething, oozing, solidifying, summarizing, completely aware and knowledgeable beyond anything the brain could come up with. Or was it my brain's limit? Did I NOT see all?

I became one with the planet and the universe, as well. At once, as the ghost, I became fully aware of everything. As the sleeper, I became nothing. I saw nothing. I saw myself, not seeing forever as it passed. I heard the voices as they screamed nothing. I saw the wind blow past me with unheard of power and force, and yet I did not feel any of it upon my body or even my cheek. Or did my mind reach its full potential, as it was restricted by the beast? Did it exceed the limits of the spirit, or did it remain pressed against it's imprisoning bars?

If we can be aware of everything or nothing, then is reality not the balance of both? Is it not the scientific everything, and the supernatural nothing? Then reality must be something that we will never truly know. We will never know the beast OR the soul, completely, until they are wretched apart to be observed separately. One dictates the other. One changes the other. One does not become itself without the other. Ergo, we can never know both parts because one is telling us about the other with bias. One counters the other. One slanders the other. One is the foil for the other. One contradicts the other. They argue, until finally they are wretched apart. Then and only then will we know what everything is, so that we may separate it from what nothing is.

Then, Religion won't matter. Only fact.


The moral here, kids? Death will decide what happens, so do beliefs really matter? No human is sure what life after death is because the animal and man are arguing. The noise covers up the truth and biases the counterpart.
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