Jun 08, 2006 22:16
so i sat in the limelight of the universe
with my hand held high to the sky
and dead yeast residing in a wine glass
containing the color of red ruby
it was my turn to make a toast
so i stood hovering over an end of a table
and cleared my voice for speaking
here's to :
people who need to drink , to be forthright
people that slice their wrists
fake christians
the asinine public
the negros, now, that think they have been oppressed
affirmative action
rebels without a cause
girls that think love is a false entity
mothers that imitate daughters
the showing of your false self for acceptance
people who forget the small things
conventional wisdom
girls that wear more make up than paid entertainers
a number that defines intelligence
derogatory statements as a weapon for ignorance
friends that aren't really friends
people that aren't really people
the lost intimacy of conversations
the counterfeit rag doll named love being thrown around
i glanced at the canape laying gently in front of me
the anchovies resembled letters
these letters spelled out