Drinking on the Green tonight!
As theres no one going to Monday night zest tonight (due to Thursday being results day and everyone going out then)
Me and some of the lads figured tonight would be a good night to do the old school tradition of drinking on the Green (Martlesham Heath). I know the weather isn't the best but really who cares...
Bring boos, footballs, cricket bats, rounders gear, garden games, blankets and what ever else rocks your boat. I expect it will last late into the night like the last one so a jumper would probably be handy to.
I don't finish work till 8pm but will be out straight after that, Dan, Wheeler and Hendy will be there from 7pm so come along anytime after that!
Lets have a good night peeps and a good turnout, this is a summer tradition, spread the word to people who won't read this because i'm outta credit!