News Story So some people come across the border, illegally, get jobs (paying more then they could earn back home), then get busted in a raid, arrested, and possibly deported. Hmmmm.... sounds about correct. Is that not the way the law is supposed to work? But now, a group of liberals has gotten ears of these aliens and convinced them to SUE WALMART for... get this... ready? Discrimination! How in the hell can these people think they were discriminated against? They claim they did not make the same pay, have the same benefits, or get the same vacation time as legalized employees! NO SHIT! These idiots are lucky they had a job... discrimination my butt! And WHAT judge allowed them into a courtroom anyway? They are ILLEGALLY HERE, they have NO RIGHTS under the constitution. The Bill of Rights? Doesn't apply.
Put them on a truck and ship them back to the other side of the border, lets see if they get discriminated on their return.