Oct 31, 2005 07:52
So, the magnanimous prick called me Saturday morning to see if I wanted to go fishing at the lake with him and Brandi. So this would be the first time he allowed us to actually meet. A big day, all things considered. Leave it to me to find a problem with the entire situation and let it get me down. You see, the conclusion I was able to come to after spending the day with them is that the "Old Justin" is alive and well - just not in my presence. There was plenty of grab-ass and laughing and joking with Brandi... no lack of things to talk about... etc. So it *IS* me. It was all too painfully obvious, too. Watching him behave like the old friend I used to have was terribly depressing and made me crawl into my shell so as to not even speak much during the day. Piecing together little bits of information to learn of all the things he's been doing in my absence without talking about... places he's been, activities he's been participating in... dinners he's been cooking... etc. Fishing was fun, though I caught absolutely nothing. Then again, Justin's father didn't catch anything to speak of either... but Justin snagged a good 6 or 7 bass with no trouble. Anyway, I now know that while the kid may have some latent issues he's dealing with, he's still very capable of being a friend to me - he just chooses not to. I suppose I should just be thankful he thought to include me - but it's not something he would have done on his own had I not text messaged him earlier in the day to see what he was up to. My guess is that I would have not heard from him at all otherwise as usual. We all had dinner with his parents after fishing and headed home around 9 or so. My ride home was tearful and contemplative simply making matters worse for me. Perhaps it would have been best had I not gone fishing in the first place so I could just assume he's still having issues instead of shunning me for whatever reason. Aside from this shit, Brandi seemed nice, but since I was so quiet most of the day, we didn't get to speak much. She's apparently going out of town this weekend for whatever reason, so I suggested a Morton's run - he didn't say no, but he didn't say yes either. Maybe this might remind him of the caliber of friendship we once had? Maybe it'll backfire in my face. We'll have to see.Back at the office on a Monday morning. I can only hope and pray for a good day.