You know, the comment yesterday that President Obama views the humanitarian crisis in Haiti
as simply an opportunity to shore up support in the black community here in America.
I am not an Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination, but damn, that is well beyond cynical. I don't believe I do not need to emphasize or go into detail why it is the poorest of the poor taste to immediately politicize the Haiti crisis. Worse, simply for the desire to attack domestic political opponents. What would Rush say if Obama didn't respond to the Haitian crisis?
Raw, uncut footage of Rush's comments about Haiti:
Click to view
Of course all of this pales in comparison to Pat Robertson's comments. Now you think a Christian leader's first comments about Haiti after a natural disaster like this would be to perhaps pray for God's mercy and compassion, combined with a call for believers to selflessly donate or help the people of Haiti...
I would be wrong though.
Instead we get some weird pet "theory" how this was the end result of some ancient pact between the people of Haiti and Satan back in the start of the 19th century.
No, I kid you not! Apparently there is some super secret treaty (although not secret from God's personal hotline buddy) between Haiti and Hell or something, for the latter's cooperation in expelling the French during Haiti's war of independence (From
Napoleon, history fail!).
Click to view
I know, I know, we should dismiss Robertson as a kook, a nutter, a tool, and certainly that is the road to take. Unfortunately, there are enough people who actually believe this. Sadly I still haven't heard anyone in a position of leadership from the conservative Christian community actually condemn Robertson for his words. It is quite possible that among his fellows this is actually widely accepted as true. How frightening is that?