More beard thoughts comin' your way soon, but for now, I have to share this awesome video discovered during my break.
When I was young, I used to watch a lot of
Saturday Night Live. Perhaps that explains some of my bizarre and sometimes-inappropriate sense of humor. One of my favorite advertisements of all time (originally aired in '92) was for the Cluckin' Chicken restaurant. It's not something easily found on the 'net, as
NBC is really good at squashing their content on
YouTube and other sites.
However, now there's
Hulu, which is a joint venture of NBC and a variety of other groups, to put video on the 'net. Sure, you may have to sit through a 15-second ad, but the video quality is solid and honestly, I really quite like Hulu. They have something like 480 SNL clips, one of which is the Cluckin' Chicken ad! So, I share with you. Do keep in mind, it originally aired on SNL which is well past prime time television, and so while I wouldn't call it NSFW, it does involve a cartoon chicken losing his head, quite literally.
Enjoy, and come back next time, where I really will talk about the beard, I promise.