I has a beard

Mar 05, 2008 17:07

If you follow my twitter or have interacted with me in person or on a forum recently, you already know this, but I realize that many may not know.

It doesn't really matter, but I feel like posting it anyway. I has a beard now.

Originally, I started growing it because I was gonna be all like my friend Tom (tombrazelton) and grow it out while I lose weight, then shave it off for some big reveal. However, I didn't quite get the weight loss going (but at least I'm not gaining back last year's losses, and am fairly stable), and then I kinda started liking it. Lisa likes it too, so it's staying for awhile.

Also, beards.org is a great resource for beard management. My biological dad didn't really teach me anything about bein' a man, aside from passing on his ability to stink like a man, so I didn't really have much of a basis on what to do about beard management and maintenance and stuff. These photos are from yesterday, and tonight I'm gonna trim it down and stuff based on recommendations. I'm so glad to have found that site.

I suspect this beard will last for quite awhile now. Then again, who knows, I may get drunk and shave it off.
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