Greetings from New Jersey!

Jul 03, 2012 07:36

We're on vacation up in New Jersey right now. Sean's cousin got married on Friday in the Bronx, and we decided it would be a great idea to spend a few days in NYC and see some of the sights. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fun. Saturday we went to the famous Katz Deli (of Harry Met Sally fame) and the World Traade Center memorial. It was beautiful and a bit depressing. Sunday we went to the Museum of Natural History and Central Park. I was a bit disappointed that Rexy wasn't there and the entranceway looks nothing like Night at the Museum, but there was still a lot of cool stuff. We had to skip a lot of Thenupper two floors because of time, but we made it a point to see the Easter Island statue. Sadly, no gum gum for Dum Dum. In Centeal Park, I had to see Belvedere Castle even though we were dead tired. Then we walked down to Strawberry Fields for Nancy. Yesterday, we went to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty before going back to Sean's aunt's house. Today we're going to Long Beach Island. Nancy wanted to go at 8, but considering it's 7:30 and the only ones awake are in our bedroom, who knows when we're going.

I'm finding out why huge family vacations are a pain in the butt. Thanks to various frustrations, this may be our last one for awhile, other than another family wedding in a few years.

I've taken a ton of pictures, but no way to upload them, so those will have to wait until we get home.
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