Feb 16, 2008 20:52
So this weekend has been good so far.
my test yesterday didnt go so well.. i know i messed up on a lot because i just wasnt as prepared as i should have been. I need to start trying not to procrastinate and get shit done for a change..
...anyways. The rest of my day was fine. Volunteered at roswell for the afternoon. I really enjoy volunteering there, hopefully i can get some patient interaction soon.
then went to the bank and later to target with cate. After target we went and visited neil at work for a bit and then back to her house to make jello lol
we decided to not measure out the water and then put ice into it so it would solidify faster. Well. i put too much ice in lol. and when it was finally ready there were still icecubes on top that were melting. But it was good after we poured the water off! lol
Neil came over too and we watched pride and prejiduce,, our favorite book/movie ever.
it was a fun, relaxing, chill night. just what i needed after such a crazy week.
tonighti went to karate for a while, which i always well needed lol. Tonight i decided to stay in and get some homework done along with some relaxation.
This relaxation thing is new for me.. and i'm quite enjoying it lol.