(no subject)

Apr 26, 2007 11:58

I am so bored with everything and everyone, and its partly my own fault. I've somewhat forced my boredom upon myself. Really though, I am completely content with it. I am ready for, and about to go through, a huge change and this boredom is making me want to leave more and more every day.

So i am. I'm going back to Texas in July. I've most likely told the majority of those who it will directly effect already, but didnt want to tell everyone until it was set in stone..and it is now. I'll be moving to Austin, which is about two hours away from my mom and the rest of my family. I need to be close to them, and I love Austin. The past year has been a rollercoaster ride and I am finally at a place where I feel most content and happy with myself, and I finally know where I want to be (at least for the time being). I'm not leaving this time because of anyone else's actions or because of my own mistakes...this time I am leaving for the right reasons. However, the conclusions I have come to that have sparked this move would have never come to me if I hadnt left last summer and if I hadnt come back to Atlanta this fall. I am excited and nervous and scared and most of all, very happy. Miss Laura Ashline will be accompanying me on this move, and I feel that we are going to make the most of it. I'm ready for every new day to be a new adventure and to spend time with the people who I love the most.

In other news, Lost is still the best thing in the television world. What did that girl who fell from the sky mean when she said everyone on Oceanic Flight 815 was dead!?!?
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