Jul 26, 2006 01:03
9-9:50 Applied Methods McBride
10-10:50 Courtly Tradition Medieval Lit Kennedy
11-11:50 Advanced Stats MacEwan
1-1:50 Arabic 201 Campbell
9:30-10:45 African/Am Lit Tweedy
12:30-1:45 App Methods Lab
Soooo basically this next semester is going to suck. horribly. Let me translate this schedule for everyone:
Applied methods = lots of time and effort
Courtly Trad = lots of reading and probably quite a few essays
Adv Stats = lots of time, effort and MATH. not to mention i heard MacEwan is horrible
Arabic 201 = fun in class, unless he calls on me. also, lots of time and effort and difficult vocab/ridiculous grammar rules
Af/Am Lit = lots of reading as well as probably essays. and i think the professor is new. damn and blast!!!
Its okay though. I get the hard psych classes out of the way, take out some more of my english requirements and finish nearly all of my language requirement. Plus, its not like I'll have any friends in the country anyways, so Ill have lots of free time to do work. Ill also be isolated down in Russell with all the little freshmen, so there will be fewer (fun) distractions.