May 11, 2008 12:57
Dude. Colin is an IDIOT. I mean an idiot of massive, colossal, unprecedented proportions. He is a DUMB FUCK.
Here's the story: he's traveling to Naples from Pittsburgh for the summer. He stores a bunch of his stuff at school, and packs two suitcases to bring home. His itinerary has him flying though Philadelphia, Rome, and then to Naples.
In his suitcases, he packs all his DVDs and computer software (he says he couldn't be without them for the ENTIRE SUMMER). That's right, he backs a bunch of items that are easy to steal, visible and easily identifiable when your luggage is x-rayed, and have a thriving black market and high resale value in his checked luggage when he's traveling to Naples, the organized crime capital OF THE WORLD.
Of course his luggage has gone missing. I don't know what he expected. He's been bitching about his CDs being gone for the past 4 days. Today, though, today... today he tells us that his PASSPORT was in his checked luggage. His passport, and an accordion file containing banking paperwork with his account numbers, social security number, address, and all sorts of other financial information. Basically it's the identity thief's motherlode. And it was in his checked luggage, which has gone missing.