May 30, 2006 21:15
Time is a great thing. It's like money. I'd even say that time is the largest comodity that has ever existed, exists, or ever will exist in, well, all of time!!!! Think about it. Do you want time? Would you like to have more? You use a car so that you can get where you want to be quicker... thus having more time to do what you want to do. And being like money, I have neither the time or the money to do what I want, when I want, how I want to do it. There are people to see, things to do (Unless you're Mr. Cartright from High School, then it's people to do and things to see), and places to be! I want more time, and money! So much so, that well, I have to go to Luke because people had time to get beer, drink beer, party on campus at a bonfire, and see people and do things that they wanted to do. (However rediculous that CUAA holds those things to be. Note: I was not one of the partakers of beverages at the bonfire; I was MOVING!!!! Grrrrr!!) Well, it is time now to go do people and see things.... or something like that :-)