Please don't vote for this guy

May 28, 2005 08:19

Help, I'm heterosexual

A city-funded help line for heterosexuals? Councillor Rob Ford thinks it's
a great idea.

In a typical rhetorical flourish for this straight-talking football coach,
he took aim at $770,000 in city grants to 69 community groups, zeroing in on
a "Lesbian Gay Bi Youth Line" that provides confidential telephone

"I just want to know if we fund heterosexual youth that want to talk or have
problems, because here, I don't see anything under there, and I've looked
through this," Mr. Ford told city council's administration committee this
week. (Total cost of help-line to the city: $3,210.)

He said taxpayer money was being wasted on the array of anti-racism and
youth initiatives funded under the program, which did see its budget grow
substantially from the $500,000 or so it cost in previous years.

"You know, this system is broken. I'm not going to support this," he said.

Shelley Carroll paused before responding.

"I had to compose myself for a minute before I can even speak," she said. "I
hope that the day people start getting the living daylights kicked out of
them every day on the way home from school for being heterosexual, I hope
that we'll set up a phone line for them. I really hope we do."

I thought we did have help lines for kids of no particular sexual orientation?
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