Jun 09, 2006 17:08
I get more ass than a toilet seat.
Shake that ass for me shake that ass for me.
I actually don't like that song.
Today I laid in bed till 4 pm.
I know right i'm lazy.
big deal.
Kevin doesn't want to hang out tonight.
I'm either going to be drinking by myself.
or going back to sleep.
hah i'm pathetic. I'll probably just end up going back to sleep.
Unless Natalie calls me. then i'll go out with her and dave.
maybe i'll call King?
Kevin will be jealous if i call king hahaha.
I dont think he likes when i talk to him.
Yesterday he got mad at me for answering his phone because it was king.
I dont see the big deal.
It's true that he does get out of hand when hes drunk.
and he flirts a lot.
but thats what he has sara for :].
it's fafafafreezing out folks. I don't think I like it one bit.
Tomorrow is Kevins grad party.
I'll be there allllll day if you guys care....
Ya don't but thats okay.
I still need to buy him a gift.... I just don't know what.
I'll go to rosedale tomorrow and find something?
maybe? if not i'll buy him a $50 gift card to best buy.
it's not as touching but thats okay.
I'm going to go lay back down before work.