Sep 27, 2009 13:55
'This reaction of dread is also experienced by many witnesses of water monsters today and has been noted by both Tim Dinsdale and F. W. Holiday when interviewing them. Holiday wrote to Dinsdale: "When people are confronted by this fantastic animal at close quarters they seem to be stunned. There is something strange about Nessie that has nothing to do with appearance." And he later wrote that his personal feeling was "a mixture of wonder, fear and repulsion". One witness, who with her twelve-year-old son had a very close sighting from the shore, later admitted she had been "paralysed with fear". "It was horrible. I never want to see it again," she told F. W. Holiday. Her son, who up until then had enjoyed fishing, gave it up entirely. Mr George Spicer, who with his wife in 1933 saw a monster cross the road in front of his car and make for Loch Ness, told a reporter: "It was horrible - an abomination." We wrote earlier of Dick Jenkyns who from his lochside home had a protracted view of a creature very similar in shape to George Spicer's. He commented: "I felt that the beast was obscene. This feeling of obscenity persists and the whole thing put me in mind of a gigantic stomach with a long writhing gut attached."
'Georgina Carberry, a librarian at Clifden in western Ireland, had a similar reaction to the creature she and some companions saw swimming up Lough Fadda in 1954. She said that the whole body had movement in it, and when asked by F. W. Holiday what she meant by "movement" she explained: "wormy. You know, creepy. The body seemed to have movement all over it all the time." Miss Carberry, an expert angler who was very familiar with the bays and loughs of her area, was much affected by her sighting. As the group left the lakeside she watched apprehensively in case the creature was following them. Later she experienced recurring nightmares for many weeks. She did not return to that isolated lake for six or seven years, and then never alone. We have told the story of Mary F. who photographed Morgawr in Falmouth Bay. In the letter she sent with the photographs to the Falmouth Packet, she wrote: "As a matter of fact the animal frightened me. I would not like to see it any closer. I do not like the way it moved when swimming."'
- Alien Animals by Janet and Colin Ford (1981)
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