(no subject)

May 29, 2006 04:37

weLL....  its been another week like the lass One lol.. fun tho*...n0 slEEp!!!!....s0 I guess y0u c0uld saY Im tIred...

"watchIn the sunrise"

wenT t0 the pOOL t0daY wIth Lindz and her fam... seen a c0upLe of "pe0pLe" we new... and al0t we dIdnt lol....  It was fun th0.."You're real "bacon" "lol/// and the sLIde*sHHH embarassin*.....

anYwaYs....guess ima g0 t0 bed since i have nothin t0 d0 t0nite*lol...  
...0nce agaIn....i.m.Y...........<3

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