I Need To Find A Way, A Way To Make It Not Feel This Way...

Mar 05, 2003 16:55

shitty day for me!!
nothing really happened that made it bad, everythings been great, but i dunno!! it just doesnt feel like it at all...i felt shitty all day today and for no obvious reason, its retarted! i mean there things happening right now, a few things actually, and i thought that could be it, but they dont seem to be bothering me at all. ugh, i just dont know, and i hate feeling like this too...everythings really awesome right now too, or so it seems....i think i just gotta make a few decisions and do some thinking or something, i dunno....maybe im just having a bad day, what i really need is some time off and to just hang out with all my friends, and that is hopefully coming soon!
goin to work in like an hour so maybe something better will happen there...theres always the chance! if nothing happens theres always hot girls workin so atleast thats good :P heh
well i might update later on tonight if anything interesting happens

have a good day/night everyone
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