Read this, listen to that.

Jun 12, 2009 16:05

Normally I'm not one to go out reccing fanfics or anything (mostly because I hate admitting that I still read them from time to time), but this one is incredible:

No Fate by hollycomb (Terminator: Salvation - Marcus/Kyle NC-17)

The character development in this is better than anything in the movie. This fic plays with the very idea of "no fate" that the movies are based upon in a very interesting, poignant, and heartbreaking way. Even if you aren't into slash or porny fanfics, if you've seen the Terminator movies (hell, even if you only have a vague idea of what they're about), I urge you to read this.

(On the subject of recs) I mentioned this on Twitter a few days ago, but it deserves a second mention here. The Salteens have this thing going where they write and record two songs a month and post them (for free!) to their website. One of their recent songs is "Hallowed Ways" and, seriously guys, I'm obsessed. It's a guaranteed pick-me-up song. Download it if you know what's good for you.

Because it's only fair: What is your favourite fic/story/book right now? I desperately need something to read. Some good song recommendations are also always appreciated!
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