Haha help i am STUCK IN MY ROOM!!

Oct 17, 2004 20:19

haha i wish i had a camera to document the events i will be going through.

so i went down stairs to find something to smoke out of
i couldn't find anything except a pear. the pear was to wet.
I decided to close my door so if my dad came home he wouldn't know.
My dad bought a door a little too big for my door way so it wouldn't close all the way..i decided to kick it shut. the door fucking jamed and i can't get out. hahaha. like seriously...i tried pulling from the bottom and i swesr i cracked my door. so now i am here, still not high and i am stuck in my room.

here is the convo i had

electricrobotsex: haha omg
electricrobotsex: girl
electricrobotsex: you wont believe the situation i am in right now
electricrobotsex: i am stuck in my room
electricrobotsex: hahahahaha
bestfriendnospace: why
electricrobotsex: my door is too big
electricrobotsex: like..my dad bought the wrong size
electricrobotsex: but i slamed it shut
electricrobotsex: and kicked it closed so i could smoke
electricrobotsex: with no worry about anyone comming in
electricrobotsex: and it is jammed shut
electricrobotsex: like...the door will break in half if i try and pull it open from the bottom
electricrobotsex: i might have already broke it
electricrobotsex: i don't know what to do
electricrobotsex: hjaha
bestfriendnospace: hahaha
electricrobotsex: haha help
electricrobotsex: at least help me think of something to smoke out of haha
electricrobotsex: you have turned me into a true pot head girl
electricrobotsex: i am locked in my room
electricrobotsex: and all i can think of is smoking
bestfriendnospace: apple, water bottle, harmonica,
bestfriendnospace: a potato would work
bestfriendnospace: roll a joint out of bible paper
bestfriendnospace: freebase it!
electricrobotsex: hahahahahahahahahahaha
electricrobotsex: ok
electricrobotsex: things i dont have in my room
electricrobotsex: apple
electricrobotsex: water bottle
electricrobotsex: harmonica
electricrobotsex: or potato
electricrobotsex: i DO have a pear
electricrobotsex: but it is too wet
electricrobotsex: i already tried
bestfriendnospace: tinfoil?
electricrobotsex: nop4e
bestfriendnospace: omg
bestfriendnospace: pen cap
electricrobotsex: well
electricrobotsex: what about the plastic
electricrobotsex: haha
bestfriendnospace: it will only melt a little
bestfriendnospace: you just have to be careful and not light the pen cap, just light the weed.
electricrobotsex: omg
electricrobotsex: girl
electricrobotsex: i am a genious
electricrobotsex: that can't spell
electricrobotsex: genous
bestfriendnospace: genius
electricrobotsex: help
electricrobotsex: yess
electricrobotsex: ok
electricrobotsex: ok i found three pencils
electricrobotsex: and you know the metal part that connects the eraser to the pencil
electricrobotsex: yeah
electricrobotsex: i am chaining them together
electricrobotsex: to make a small bullet
bestfriendnospace: thats brilliant
electricrobotsex: ok
electricrobotsex: so that plan failed
bestfriendnospace: my mother called me and left me a message asking if i wanted doilies
bestfriendnospace: you have to have something to smoke out of.
bestfriendnospace: get a pen cap and a safety pin ot another pen or pencil
bestfriendnospace: use a lighter or match to soften the plastic of the pen cap just enough so you can poke a small hole
bestfriendnospace: with the aofrementioned safety pin or pen or pencil
bestfriendnospace: let it cool
bestfriendnospace: place a small nugget of weed over the hole and inhale through the pencap opening
electricrobotsex: i got it
electricrobotsex: i found tin foil!
electricrobotsex: haha
bestfriendnospace: i knew it
electricrobotsex: ok girl
electricrobotsex: smoke with me now
bestfriendnospace: haha ok
bestfriendnospace: i need to go to my room to do it
bestfriendnospace: tell me when
electricrobotsex: ok now now now
electricrobotsex: run!
bestfriendnospace: i did it!
electricrobotsex: i did bad
electricrobotsex: thank god for febreeze
electricrobotsex: fuck...i took a huge hit of tin foil
electricrobotsex: barf
electricrobotsex: but hey,,,,i am high
bestfriendnospace: yeah man whatever works
bestfriendnospace: once lindsey and i rolled a joint with a gum wrapper
bestfriendnospace: it burnt instantly and we were basically smoking weed out of our fists but it worked.
electricrobotsex: hahahahahahahah
electricrobotsex: girl i am magivering out of my room
bestfriendnospace: i want to see
electricrobotsex: i was gonig to tie a rope and repell down my house
electricrobotsex: i am going to buy a webcam tomorrow
electricrobotsex: i iwll danc for you
electricrobotsex: i am now sticking things in my door to pressurize it ope
electricrobotsex: m
electricrobotsex: HAHAHA YES!!!
electricrobotsex: OMG I AM SO HAPPY
bestfriendnospace: did you get it open?
bestfriendnospace: thats awesome bro

so afterr almost an hour. i got out!
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