i have to get this off my chest

Sep 24, 2004 10:50

so i never really thought about this until today.
i actually never realized how bad jealousy and worriness can get.
For instance, Lyle always got a little jealous when I was with my guy friends or whatever. But I never really though anything of it. Lyle's always had "girl" friends, but I didnt think anything of it. But all of a sudden im worried and stuff. I dont know why. I know Lyle wouldnt leave me for another girl. But it still scares me because Lyle and I only see eachother like twice a week. I dont want him to leave me because he never sees me or become involved with someone else. I guess im just a worrisome person. I dont mean to be.

Anyone got any advice?

To Lyle: I'm sorry for this ^, im just scared of losing you. I love you.
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