When Life Imitates Your Twitter Bio

Jan 17, 2012 21:46

About 1.5 years ago it was time to renew my mobile plan, and as a result I got a shiny new HTC Desire, instead of the iPhone 3g I was using in the two years before that. The result was that my iPhone was basically doing nothing. I jokingly said that it was now my alarm clock, which led to the line on my Twitter bio: “I’m so hip, I use my iPhone only as an alarm clock”.

Of course I sometimes used it for other things as well. However, a couple of months ago the home button broke down, which is quite a pain in the ass as the iPhone pretty much has only one button with which you can do anything useful (read: go to the home screen). As I can no longer go to the home screen and switch apps easily (Doing so would require a restart of the iPhone)), I must admit that my Twitter bio is now finally correct.
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