At the Moviesand A Rainy Day

Aug 23, 2009 15:23

I decided to go see a movie -- The local cinema was in a shopping mall at the next beach,a 20 minute drive from the resort I was staying. During the trip the driver repeatedly recommended me an "hour body massage with boom boom" -- no thanks :P. The movie itself (G.I. Joe) was not very good, but entertaining nonetheless. During the previews however (which took almost 30 minutes in total) they showed some kind of a promotional movie of the king,during which the spectators were standing, which was a bit odd. The driver on the way back was quiet -- I gathered that he didn't know much English, and I was tired anyway.

Today I've seen much rain -- In fact, it's already the most rainy day of the entire vacation. So nothing more to do except to sit somewhere inside,drinking coffee, reading a book, and writing things on the internets (It's Sunday as well, some shops are closed). Only two more hours to go before I take the taxi to the airport.

vacation, thailand

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