Aug 16, 2009 16:24
WiFi isa nice when you have an iPhone with you, but it's not easy to write long texts on it. Also, not so much time to do so. So here's some catching up.
During the first night in Kanchanaburi, a girl from the group got fever symptoms (She was already tired for a few days), and went to the hospital to stay there overnight. Apparently she suffered from a stomach infection, and was transferred to Bangkok the next day. She'll rejoin at the end though. We however, went to the Erawan Falls, which were very beautiful, although it was a though walk upwards, but even more so downwards. We then took a train to drive over the Birma railway, which was a bit of a bumpy ride, but I got to take some great photos. This was followed by a visit of the famous bridge over the river Kwai, which by now is not a bamboo bridge anymore.
We had a free day following this, and by the end of the day we took the night train to southern Thailand, and to the lake in the Kao Sok national Park, where we stayed in bamboo huts floating on the lake for two nights. By then, I started to feel less than stellar, so I opted for a resting day, instead of walking through the jungle. Which turned out to be the right choice because I slept pretty much the whole day (At the same time however, I did not suffer from any flu symptoms of diarrhea, so it was a bit weird).
I feeel fine today, luckily. We drove off to a different part of the Kao Sok National Park today, where we floated on Tubes in the river, which was relaxing and fun, with a small exception when I bumped my head. Oh, well.
Tomorrow we're off too some village a bit more southern for two nights, then we head off to the Koh Raja islands.