Open the poken website automatically on Mac OS X using Do Something When

Jan 12, 2009 21:08

Originally published at breyt. You can comment here or there.

Windows machines automatically open up the Poken website upon attaching a Poken to your computer because it is a USB device and has an autorun.inf file. On Mac OS X machines however, this does not happen of course, since autorun.inf is Windows specific. It ocurred to me however, that it is easy to emulate on the Mac using the Do Something When software. It is a System Preferences panel that allows you to specify actions to take when inserting removable media. So how can you instruct Do Something When to open up the Poken website automatically when you attach your Poken? It's actually pretty simple:
  1. Attach the Poken to a USB port
  2. Open System Preferences
  3. Click on the DSW icon
  4. Set the rule nam to 'Poken'
  5. Select 'POKEN' From the first drop down menu, just below the rule name
  6. Select 'Mounts' in the next drop down menu
  7. Select 'Open' in the third drop down menu
  8. Select 'Select Application or document ...' from the fourth drop down menu
  9. In the dialog box, select the 'Start_poken' (.html) file on the 'POKEN' drive
  10. Click 'Save'

For reference, the rule settings in Do Something When should be as follows:

osx, mac, do something when, poken

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